Merseyside Quiz Leagues

The World's Largest Independent Quiz Leagues

Congratulations to Teesside (Michael McPartland, Clive Dunning, Adam Barr, Tony Walmsley) who beat A Team of Two Halves (Paul Sinha, Oliver Levy, Andy Bolton) in a close Final to win the Third Diamond Jubilee Buzzer Tournament held at St Peter's Church and Centre, Woolton, Liverpool on Saturday 9 October.  The Plate Competition was won by Wirral A (Jim Eccleson, Ian Jack, Dave Ryan, Jon Stitcher and Mike McDonough) who beat Lincolnshire (Lawrence Cook, Ian Welham, Andrew Hunter, Isabelle Heward, Pete Daniel) in their Final.  The Individual Best Performance was won by Pat Gibson (Ormskirk).

Many thanks to all who took part and especially to the team of QPs and scorers who asked over ten matches throughout the day.  We are most grateful to the St Peter's Church & Centre and the Bradbury Centre for Blind People for providing the facilities and the refreshments.

Results may be viewed here.