Merseyside Quiz Leagues

The World's Largest Independent Quiz Leagues

The MQL Jubilee Buzzer Tournament took place at the Bradbury Centre in Liverpool on Saturday 15 September.  Teams from Cambridge and Milton Keynes were amongst the 17 that took part together with 3 from Wirral and 1 team from each of the other Merseyside areas plus 2 made up of other MQL players.  After 82 quizzes and a very enjoyable day the team representing Liverpool defeated Lancaster in the Final with Milton Keynes winning the Plate.  Many congratulations to the winners and indeed to all who took part, but especially to organiser Jon Stitcher and the team of 8 dedicated Question Persons who asked well over 5000 challenging questions.

You can see all of the results by clicking on the link below.

Buzzer Tournament Results - 2018