Merseyside Quiz Leagues


MQL Council

The MQL Council is appointed annually and formed of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, General Secretary, Assistant General Secretary and Treasurer, together with one Council member from each constituent league (usually the league Secretary) plus a further member for each of ten teams within the constituent league.  The President and the Question Distributors are ex-officio members of the Council. It is required by the MQL Rules to meet at least every 4 months and also to convene an Annual General Meeting.  Any member (team) of the MQL may attend these meetings.  The Council may at any time fill any vacancies that may occur among the Officers or Council.

A quorum for a meeting of the MQL Council must be at least 5 persons. This must include 2 officers and 3 out of the 5 areas must be represented.  A quorum at an AGM must be at least three officers plus representatives of at least five teams representing a minimum of 3 different areas.

The Council shall have the power to arrange and settle all matters relating to the Leagues.  It has the discretion to amend the playing rules for competitions in order to best accommodate the number of teams entering.

In March 2020 the Council began meeting online each month to review the situation with regard to the operation of the Leagues.  Although conventional quizzing returned in October 2021 it continues to hold its scheduled meetings online.