Merseyside Quiz Leagues

The World's Largest Independent Quiz Leagues

Council Meetings for all matters

The Council (as of April 2022) consists of 25 votes by persons who must be present.  These are

• 5 Elected Officers (Chair, Dept Chair, Gen Sec, Asst Gen Sec, Treasurer).

• 3 ex-officio members (President, two Question Distributors)

• 5 Area Secretaries (or their appointed representative)

Plus, a person for each of ten teams or part thereof within the constituent leagues, which is currently.

• 3 Liverpool (which has 26 teams)

• 2 Ormskirk (which has 16 teams)

• 2 Southport & Formby (which has 14 teams)

• 2 Warrington (which has 13 teams)

• 3 Wirral (which has 21 teams)

A person cannot vote twice, for example the three Ormskirk votes have to be made by three different people. No voting by proxy.

Annual General Meetings for all matters including the Election of the Chairman

• Every team represented at the meeting has one vote. 

• President has the casting vote if necessary.

 No voting by proxy.